Ascendant Community Education "ACE" is a Texas 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides
Financial Literacy Education to benefit low to moderate income households.
Financial Literacy Education is the best way to fight poverty. Teaching low to moderate income families & individuals about money helps them learn ways to improve their lives for generations to come.
The Life Success Library provides helpful Financial Health & Safety resources for low to moderate income households. These resources are contributed by banks, financial institutions, businesses, and other reliable sources.
Teaching kids about money gives them tools to understand smart spending & saving habits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
Scams have reached a crisis level. Our Scam Protection Program for Middle & High Schoolers teaches students how to spot, avoid, & report scams.
Most low to moderate income older adults are on a fixed income. Our program teaches them how to manage their money throughout retirement & how to protect themselves from being scammed.
P.O. Box 816 Argyle, Texas 76226, United States
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